This Fiesta Bowl is so delicious! Although nothing about it says “Mexican cuisine” aside from the smokiness for the tahini...
With a few simple swaps and creative thinking, you can create plant-based recipes that are healthy, nutritious, and delicious! If...
One of the most popular ways to get into Spanish culture is through food and cooking. One great way this...
Once you master the risotto technique, you can make flavorful versions throughout the year. This light version is based on...
This Roasted Veggie Salad Bowl is the perfect dish for a quick and easy weekday lunch. It’s fresh and light,...
They say that the best way to experience a culture is through food and sharing a meal with locals. I...
If you’re looking for the best vegan mac n’ cheese recipe, look no further! This recipe is cheesy, creamy, and...
Jicama Tortillas? Yes, that’s right! One ingredient. No cooking required. And this shell stays crispy without falling apart. The taco shell is made entirely...
Sharing and crafting delicious recipes is something that I enjoy doing. It’s part of my happiness! When I was asked...
Smoothie bowls are kind of like having fro-yo for breakfast, but with a superfood-packed twist! Am I right? Which is...
Italia! With its sprawling wine country, charming towns like San Pietro, fashion-forward cities like Milan and Rome, and magnetism coursing...
Nothing like a big fresh balanced bowl filled to the brim with nourishing ingredients. You guys know that I love...