Protein Pancakes (Gluten-Free)

Protein Pancakes

Protein Pancakes

Pancakes are no longer carb-laden belly bombs. They’re getting a healthy makeover hack with high-protein ingredients, and I’ve got a recipe you’re going to love.

Whether it’s Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, almond flour, or protein powder, switching up the basic ingredients can give this breakfast favorite a much, much healthier nutritional twist. The protein pancake recipe below contains 9g of protein per serving and are naturally gluten-free. (Gotta love that!)

Happy flipping!

What You’ll Need

2 Bananas
1 Cup Coconut Flour
1 1/2 Cup OatBran
1 Cup Cottage Cheese or Plain Greek Yogurt
6 Eggs
1 Scoop protein powder*
2 Cups Milk
1/2-1 tsp baking powder
What You’ll Need To Know

Add all ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth and resembles pancake batter.
Heat skillet over medium heat and spray with pam or grease.
Put batter in circles onto a griddle and let cook until they start to bubble
Flip Pancakes over and cook until firm in the center

Protein Pancakes (Gluten-Free) ir?t=letsreg 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B007XA47FY

* I used VegaOne Protein (Vanilla). It’s an all plant-based powder. But, any protein powder will do.

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