I love breakfast.
Breakfast in the morning, for lunch or dinner.
Better yet, I love eggs. In my book, eggs are the champs of breakfast. They are versatile. You can scramble them, poach them, boil them, fry them, and bake them. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with Avocado Baked Eggs.
The idea for this recipe is far from complicated, and I’m sure you’ve seen some sort of version floating around Pinterest. Simply put, you bake an egg in an avocado. Top it ith whatever you’d like. I opted for dill to add a new dimension to it. Brilliant, right?
I’m all about optimal nutrients and this recipe is just that. It’s high in protein and omega 3’s, low in low-sugar, and is fiber-filled. Avocado baked egg is the perfect breakfast that will kick off your day on a healthy high note.
What You’ll Need To Know
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Halve the avocado, and scoop out enough meat to fit the raw egg, but leave as much as possible.
Place the avocado halves on two ramekins. This helps to hold them stable, making them easy to bake.
Fill the avocado with the egg.
Sprinkle with a pinch of salt and pepper, then bake for 15 minutes or 20 minutes if you don’t want a runny yolk.
Sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.
Serves 2
What You’ll Need
1 avocado
2 free-range organic eggs
Ground black pepper, to taste
Fine grain sea salt, to taste
Chopped dill, to taste